WELCOME to ORGmuze 3.0
It has some THOUGHTS and PIX about ORGanizations, People,
and Organizing.
ORGanizations are
POWERFUL and PERVASIVE. Modern civilization (i.e. WE) could not exist without them.

I start with an image to represent one common type of modern organization -- a cruise ship.
ORGanizations run our world -- with our help.
HOW does that work?

This cruise ship is a floating ORGanization (2,000 staff and 2,000 passengers. But it's not independent: it is part of a cruise fleet and a huge corporate parent company.

Two viewpoints, one deep inside the ship. Individuals can be crucial;
then again they can seem very insignificant. Look to the right > > > >

On these pages I explore some ideas about organizations and how new kinds of ORG are changing our lives - especially Networks,
Learning Organizations, and Adhocracies.
The MAIN EXHIBIT features the "Both/And" conflicts that shape modern ORGs.
Thanks for looking.
sociologist, photographer