Barry Sugarman
Barry Sugarman, Ph.D., is a sociologist who studies social systems, organizational dynamics and learning, innovation, and change in various (first world) settings.
I was Professor of Management at Lesley University for 20 years. Later I became Research Coordinator for the Society for Organizational Learning for 4 years, where I produced three research conferences and supervised two collaborative research projects among member organizations. But most important, in that learning community for change leaders I was a participant-observer and avid learner. I continued to collect and conduct case studies and ideas.
I feel that scavenging and scholarship belong on the same spectrum.
Recent projects of mine have focused on police, public school reform, and problem solving by Intel chip-makers.
I grew up in London, England (B.A.from Exeter University). My acquaintance with the USA began at Southern Illinois University (M.A.) and continued at Princeton University (Ph.D. in sociology and anthropology). I have authored numerous publications which have appeared in Organizational Dynamics, Human Relations, Sociological Review, Social Policy and Administration, Behavioral Health Management, Journal for Quality and Participation, Reflections, The Learning Organization, The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, and Research in Organizational Change and Development. Plus several papers presented at the Academy of Management.
My latest project (right here on thisweb site) is to explore the potential of web media for advancing social and organizational studies, and for developing ideas - with visuals.
I enjoy being a photographer, firstly for the sheer pleasure of capturing a fleeting magic moment. (Candid people pix, first inspired by The Family of Man project.) I use the camera as a tool in field work (people watching) and in social interaction and reflection. Some important subjects (apparently) cannot be shown visually. That boundary may shift over time. Even if it will never disappear, it can serve to provoke useful discussion about where it currently lies, lies hidden and how recent advances uncovered a bit more of the social and organizational dynamics we try to understand, manage, and survive.
I invite you to see more of my photography at Instagram, FaceBook, and Flickr - www.flickr.com/photos/barrysugarman/
Most of my published work can be seen and downloaded through
google scholar, SSRC, ResearchGate and /or Academia